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фотография Brutality

Название :

Ceremonial Unearthing

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    death metal   old school death metal   technical death metal   brutal death metal   american

Видео: Brutality -  Ceremonial Unearthing  

Mourning the souls passed away
Unearthing deceased spirits
Dark cemetary sombrous gloom
Doomed are those who enter here
Confusion grows path obscured
Blackened clouds shrouded sky
Twisting shadows malformed ghouls
Frected tombs in cavernous vaults
Hieroglyphics etched in stome
Inscriptions carved revealing
Birth and death
Running for your life
Demons from the earth
Chouls attack
Burn deceivers
Worship the evil god
Those who deceive suffer
Похожие исполнители:
Фото Disincarnate
Фото Morpheus Descends
Morpheus Descends
Фото Monstrosity
Фото Ripping Corpse
Ripping Corpse
Фото Incantation

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