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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Evans Faith

Название :

Love Like This

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :

Видео: Evans Faith -  Love Like This  

Now that we have come to be
A brand new life I can see
Never thougth you`d be a special part of me, no baby
The reasons are because of you
I can go on and make it through
I cna`t even take my mind off loving you
and I wanna say
I never knew there was a love like this before
Never had someone to show me your love
Love like this before
I know you can`t see
all the things you mean to me
I`m so amazed that you are mine, yeah yeah yeah yah
if we can work together
maybe this could last forever
this is something that I wanna hold on to
so baby try to understand
baby try to understand
I`ll go crazy if you leave
cause you compliment my style
(ooh ooh ooh)
and i like the way you walk
and the sexy things you talk
you don`t know just what you do to me
you see I never
chorus (twice)
never knew a
never knew a
never knew a
love like this before
chorus till fade
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