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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Holy Moses

Название :

Current Of Death

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    thrash metal   female fronted metal   german   death metal   metal

Видео: Holy Moses -  Current Of Death  

Waahhhhhaaaa sofort

About a world so brave and wise - The rising sun sublime
After years back from the war - a new age of time
But they haven`t learned a thing - the cold war`s going on
It`s an old nightmare of mine - the fight it can`t be won

Current of death (3x)
Solopart sofort dann rein
In their minds there is no right - they say my brain ain`t right
Leaders, madness in their eyes - give orders to the blind
The fishes in a waves their swimming with the stream
I`m creeping in the desert, drowned in the sea

Break mit Solo und Ubergangsbreak zum chorus

Current of death (3x)
Peace and freedom everyday - humanity decays
Is god dead or has he gone - the devil is amazed
Sadness fear in any thoughts, you will die, no way out
They survived the hellish breath, to live on in the....

Current of death........gezogen direkt rein

Current of death (3x)
Похожие исполнители:
Фото Destruction
Фото Tankard
Фото Sodom
Фото Exumer
Фото Razor

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