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фотография Mark Owen

Название :

Green Man

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    pop   british   britpop   alternative   rock

Видео: Mark Owen -  Green Man  

Early morning juices blend he chooses
Bowl of seed and water cleanses
Caffeine free with herbs for tea
Clear and fresh he won`t be tempted
High on C he`s staring at me
We make us seem far apart
Dead for awhile, resurrects with a smile
Pulls my conscience inside apart

Green man

I`ll take a leaf from your book
Found a new love
I say peace man

Green man

I`ll take a leaf from your book
Found a new love
I say peace man
Second sight no sense of fright
He lives his life for the moment
He stands like a god an enlightened god
Ruby centres in his crown
Man of wealth loaded with health
A lion with a mother`s heart
Magic man with your save Earth plan
Thanks for giving me my part

Green man

I`ll take a leaf from your book
Found a new love
I say peace man

Green man

I`ll take a leaf from your book
Found a new love
I sa peace man
Our body is a precious thing, treat it with care, treat it as bare
As a snake sheds its skin you`ve got to shed your past over and over
Again the more that you give the more you`ll receive so give your
Love for free don`t live for the past or the futre live now
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