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фотография Folk Implosion

Название :

One Part Lullaby

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    indie   lo-fi

Видео: Folk Implosion -  One Part Lullaby  

"life is one part lullaby, two parts fear" c oscar wilde

One part lullaby, two parts fear

Another animal mixing with the atmosphere

It takes forever to learn to pretend

Nature is the enemy, weather is not your friend

Who can be trusted?

With perfect weather inside

Look for magic in the daily routine

Its all it takes to survive

Leaving heaven below

Go wherever the angels follow

Im watching my body and mind divide

Why live for a future that never arrives on time?

I cant be trusted, Im dust in the wind

I let he weather decide where my day begins

Im not a rebel of the natural one

Im in love with the chemical

Following the setting sun

Lost my patience

All that it takes to survive

Watching my mind and my body divide

Why live for a future that never arrives on time?

Leaving heaven below

Go wherever the angels follow

One part lullaby, two parts fear

Another animal, mixing with the atmosphere

One part lullaby, two parts fear

Im watching my body and mind divide

Why live for a future that never arrives on time?
Похожие исполнители:
Фото The Folk Implosion
The Folk Implosion
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Deluxx Folk Implosion
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Фото Lou Barlow
Lou Barlow

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