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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Mac

Название :

Nobody Make a Sound

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    rap   hip hop   hip-hop   rock   no limit

Видео: Mac -  Nobody Make a Sound  

[2-4-1 talking]
Alright, we got Mac, Magic, Fiend
And fa sho we got 2-4-1 up in this bitch
You know what I`m saying?
And if any of you motherfuckers move
Y`all gon get your fuckin heads blown off
Ya heard me?

Alright, nobody move, nobody die
If you thinkin about breathin, then I`ma open fire
Tonight everybody`s gonna die tonight
Mr. Magic, you pat em down
2-4-1 y`all duct tape em
And if anybody move Fiend gon disenegrate em
Startin with you and you, cuz I told y`all not to breathe
Now I want the rest of y`all to watch them motherfuckers bleed
Throw down your rollies, your Gucci`s, your `Sace`s
And your new Jays, and your cellphones
And anything else that cost over a hundred bones

Alright, I`ma pat everybody down
So keep your heads to the floor
Whoever in charge of this bitch better point me to the door
I`m lookin for the loot, so me and my people can leave
But any dis-cooperation and one of you bitches gon bleed
I`m bout that drama, ask my mama, she ain`t raise no punk
I`m bout that murder, you motherfuckers better smell my trunk
They call me Magic cuz I`m known for makin my victims disappear
Fear? Naw nigga that shit ain`t happen round here

[Chorus - Mac] X 2
Now everybody lay it down
Nobody make a sound
I got fifty fuckin rounds

Lights beamin, we screamin, we gonna get cha
2-4-1 we`re dumpin in the clip with the triggers
We gotta be bad, you better get ready
We`re gonna do your ass like Jason, or either like Freddy
The time has come, the clock has ticked
Man hold up, this is your last trick
Off the hook, it`s the way, let us reign
Niggas better know this ain`t no motherfuckin game

Now what I got to get it done?
The M-1, I borrowed from Big Ed
My chopper got a spittin tongue
And when it hums, it speaks ya to death
I ain`t got no problem with you, well maybe I do
You got what I want
And either till you give it up, I`ma split ya up
And don`t think that I won`t
Don`t got much time to tell about the murder tale
To each one of y`all
But that last motherfucker that ain`t really wanna give it up
Just be here with y`all
What cha mean that nigga Fiend ain`t got the gall?
My nigga Mac gave the call
Murder, murder, kill, kill, burn up all y`all

[Chorus] X 3

I told you bitches lay it down, everybody made a sound
So we shuttin this bitch down, ya heard me?
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Silkk the Shocker
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Фото Mia X
Mia X

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