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фотография Adam Green

Название :

My Shadow Tags on Behind

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    indie   singer-songwriter   folk   alternative   antifolk

Видео: Adam Green -  My Shadow Tags on Behind  

Everything was wasted, tasted, face it kid
You were never what they wanted
I`m a bird, I`m a tree, I`m a fish outside
The city is a breast dangling from the sky
Oh my feet go where we show the logo
My shadow tags on behind

Oh the world was never meant to be the Brooklyn Bridge
Arcades and soda and tulips
Chimneys and houses and old things
Computers and loving the cold things
Oh my feet go when we show the logo
My shadow tags on behind

Oh time is an angry train of commuters
Love is a golden bag of computers
I know that everyone`s got something that they do
But I don`t wanna be obsolete to you
Oh I don`t want to carry my bag on one shoulder for you

Oh why is once never enough?
Why do I have to cum sticky stuff?
I know that everyone`s got something that they do
But I don`t wanna be obsolete to you
Oh I don`t want to carry my bag on one shoulder for you-oo
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