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фотография Fishbone

Название :

Fight The Youth

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    ska   funk   rock   alternative   punk

Видео: Fishbone -  Fight The Youth  

And now another story of stolen faith and tragic glory

They claim to be your friends but all the while they taunt you with lies

They tell you what to think and how to face the world around you

You never question what you know inside is lax and untrue

But take a look around

Were not running anymore

Were in the positive

But were ready for the war... for the war

Fight the youth

The youth with poisoned minds

Ignite the truth

Restore sight to these blind

Fight the youth

The youth with poisoned minds

And if they suffer its no fault but their own

And every time I see the hatred that engulfs these children

It makes me wonder if the quest for peace will someday subside

Im not afraid to wage the hopeless battles I must fight

For I could never lose, I know my cause shines in the light

Take a look around

Were not hiding anymore

Your weapons cowardice

And we wont take it anymore... anymore

Fight the youth

The youth with poisoned minds

Ignite the truth

Restore sight to these blind

Fight the youth

The youth with poisoned minds

And if they suffer its no fault but their own

And all the feelings of a generation fed with anger

Make all the choices for a future where all nightmares come true

I choose to fight for youth, to fight for truth, to fight for justice

I choose to heal the wounds of sacrifice made by the children
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