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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Poison The Well

Название :

Apathy Is A Cold Body

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    hardcore   metalcore   post-hardcore   screamo   metal

Видео: Poison The Well -  Apathy Is A Cold Body  

the person staring through
the person staring through the reflective
you`ve turned and run off with all
to the other side with you
and i know, i know
you try so damn hard to be so happy
so you say, what do i do now that you are me ?
i`ll fade with time, just like in the dream
inherit my shoes, they were too hard to fill anyways
i want it to go well for you, start over and do it right
this time for me
open the eyes, look at this wall and notice the one that
borrows and steals
i do this to myself
stick to the side roads
they help interesting thoughts
you see what you want to see
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