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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Master

Название :

Children Of The Grave

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    death metal   old school death metal   thrash metal   thrash death metal   metal

Видео: Master -  Children Of The Grave  

Revolution in their night
The children start to march
They hate a world in which they have
To live in
The hatreds in their hearts
They`re tired of being pushed around
And told just what to do
Fight a world until they burn
And love goes following through

Children of tomorrow days
See them fall today
Will the sunlight of tomorrow
Bring them peace in anyway
Watch the world within the shadow
Of atomic fear
Will they win the fight for peace
Or will they dissapear?

Oh, you children of the grave
Listen to what I say
If you want a better place to live in
Spread the world today
Show the world
That love is still the life,
You must be brave
Oh, you children of today
Are children of the grave
Похожие исполнители:
Фото Death Strike
Death Strike
Фото Cancer
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Фото Massacra

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