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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Elisa

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Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    italian   female vocalists   pop   singer-songwriter   rock

Видео: Elisa -  Broken  

Hard times flowing and my eyes couldn`t see stars shining
My heart couldn`t feel the beauty of the rising sun
And I`m lost like a bottle that floats in the sea for ever
Will somebody pick up my hope?
Will somebody try?
Will I realize?

`cause it`s broken broken
Something got broken like stolen
Stolen, like if it was stolen
And hurting, hurting
I have been hurting and now
Only time will tell
Time will heal

Just pieces of truth that I chose to keep
No matter if now they are gone
No matter if I am alone
Still I can get back on my feet and walk on
As I know there was something to learn
I know there will always be more worth moving on for

Though, it`s broken broken
Something got broken like stolen
Stolen, like if it was stolen
And hurting hurting
I have been hurting and now
Only time will tell

`cause it`s broken broken
Something got broken like stolen
Stolen, like if it was stolen
And hurting hurting
I have been hurting and now
Only time will tell

I`d love to be one of those colorful early summer days
When everybody is happy that you came
Everybody smiles back at you as soon as your eyes cross their eyes
But something has to happen first
I know winter has to come before it blossoms

So it`s broken broken
Something got broken like stolen
Stolen, like if it was stolen
And hurting hurting
I have been hurting and now
Only time will tell

�cause it`s broken broken
Something got broken like stolen
Stolen, like if it was stolen
And hurting hurting
I have been hurting and now
Only time will tell
Time will heal
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