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фотография Backdraft Effect

Название :

Something Better

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :

Видео: Backdraft Effect -  Something Better  

Everyday you played the game
Messin` with me, makin me the one to blame
I`m just sick
Sick, Tired, and Wasted

You used to tell me that you loved me
But in truth, you don`t even know what it means
I`m sick of all the lies and the excuses made
I was just another one of the fools you played
I should`ve realized when you were never there
That your heart pumps oil, and you never really cared
There isnt much left for me to say
I`ve had to deal with it since that hateful day
I no longer have a good feeling for you
You`d better be glad that its not voices I listen to
Anyone else could`ve let it go as something else
Instead, I just set me up and hurt myself

Everyday you played the game
Messin` with me, makin me the one to blame
I`m just sick
Sick, Tired, and Wasted

Sick and Tired
My hearts on fire
I wish I could subdue the flames
I`ve got only myself to blame...

I don`t think I could trust anyon again
So I could just end up another so called friend
I pumped every last drop outta my heart
You just ran through it like some average tart
I thought I saw something in you
But now there`s nothing I can do
Your like all the others before
Thats when I finally realized I could take no more

Sick and Tired
My hearts on fire
I wish I could subdue the flames
I`ve got only myself to blame...
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