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фотография Monie Love

Название :

Born 2 B.R.E.E.D.

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    hip-hop   rap   hip hop   female vocalists   old school

Видео: Monie Love -  Born 2 B.R.E.E.D.  

[Verse 1]
I`m a mother that gave birth young, so what about it
Does it mean right away that I`m wrong
All in due time, well my time is right now
So don`t ask me who, where, what when or how
I know I got me and a good partner beside me
One that will never try to desert of defy me
So who are you to tell me how to run my family
I can plan it by myself, I need nobody planning me
`Cause yeah I might be young, but my stability`s correct
Everything about my little one I must protect
What she sees, what she hears, and everything surrounding
A decent state of mind is what my daughter will be found in


Born 2 B.R.E.E.D.
Young mother be thankful, be strong
The fact that you`re young, it ain`t wrong
A mother I will try to be
Tha fact is, I was born 2 B.R.E.E.D.

[Verse 2]
So tell me what do the kids learn at school
How to pack a pistol, how to play a class fool
Then they blame the parents when the kid plays hooky
Subject to getting shot is something that I wouldn`t wanna be
Maybe it is safer to stay within your home
Protecting yourself from getting a bullet within your dome
It`s something to think about, the word safe
I often wonder if there exists such a place
Whether on a bus, a train, or plain walkin`
You`re subject to the devious ones that might be hawkin`
I`ll teach my child to respect every day as a blessing
And follow the path of her future lesson by lesson


[Verse 3]
So ask me again if I need ghetto assistance
There`s food on my table and my baby`s not wearing piss pants
I could teach my child more at home that you could ever
Corrupt the youthful mind I produce, that will be never
This one will learn from me, the other babies too
`Cause what you teach is censorship, I wanna teach what`s true
So bother me not with our by the book method
If I was already deaf I would be getting deafer
I know exactly what I`m doing, in it I believe
My life is in my offspring `Cause I was born 2 B.R.E.E.D.

Похожие исполнители:
Фото MC Lyte
MC Lyte
Фото King Bee
King Bee
Фото Salt-N-Pepa
Фото Mantronix
Фото Chubb Rock
Chubb Rock

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