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фотография Papoose the Lyrical One

Название :

Alphabetical Slaughter

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :

Видео: Papoose the Lyrical One -  Alphabetical Slaughter  

(A) Alert assassins at large allegedly automatic artillery angrily aimed
and aggressively
Accurate AK`s able doorways adversary afraid as active ammunition
And accumulated an alias after arrested
And accompanied armed accessories as an adolescent

(B) Bridge Benz brolic burners bringin` brothers betrayer`s bodies
briefly be body banged bleedin` brothers
Blaze bats in brave bashin` BROOKLYN bullets busters big biscuits
barrels blazin` beheading bitch boasts and bluffers
Borough barricaders beat bringers brutally blast bringin` blood baths...

(C) Cover cowards corners collectin` cash
Confirmed convicts commitin` crimes clappin` cats
Creepin` cashiers causin` characters comas cappin` crabs
Chaos causin`
Clearly commiting CILO cocaine capsule caps colored capturing customer`s
Confiscatin` combinatin` kids are countin` cream calculatin`
Cockin` calibur chromes creatin` casualties conversatin`

(D) Dominatin` devoted dealer devastatin` determination demonstratin`
devine dedication
Debatin` drug deals demandin` dough distributed
Definitely dividing double digit dollar dividends
Drama declarin` demolishin` domain dozer
Directing dumb-dumbs doin` dummies dirty disarmin` Dojos

(E) Estimatin` onions enlarged and economically
Equally educatin` each exercise in equality
Eliminatin` expirin` enemies eradicatin`
Erasin` evidence every element evacuatin`

(F) For four faggots frontin` for fame fleein` from flames
Firin` full-fledged four-fours forcin` flesh from frames
Fortune fanatic, follow formats for funds faithfully
Felonies, furiously fighting for freedom fatally
Frigidally, frantic fightin` FEDS feelin` fearful finacially fortunate,
flippin` figures for fifty-fifty...

(G) Gatherin` grants grabbin` gauges gangsta ganks g`s gettin green
Guess garments gleamin`
Greatly gainin` g`s
Ghetto genius
Genuine gestures gracefully guide
Government Generals gradually generate genocide

(H) Head hoodlum hittin` heads heavenly hypnotizin`
Hire hitmen harness be holdin` heaters hospitalizin`
High holdin` hammers hectically hittin` herbs homicidin`
Helicopter hijackin` holdin` hostages horrifyin`

(I) Intellectually infinite imperial idol infamous
Inhale the Izm injecting intelligence in ignorance

(J) Jumble jum juggler jaw jabbin` jeopardizin`
Jackin` jewelry jinglin` jackknife jiggin` jittery jivers

(K) Knievers, knowledge key, keep a king, keep a kingdom
K-K-K killin` keenly keepin` kosher livin`

(L) Legitimate legal license LEX lastin` longevity
Luxury life, language lacin` lyrical legacy
Lightin` L`s loudly loungin` livin` large like Luthor
Loadin` long Lugers lethally lullabying losers

(M) Maneuvers made miraculously, microphone majesty
Music messiah mastered money makin` mathematically

(N) Naturally naked and notorious, naughty nature
Nasty New York nigga narcotic negotiator

(O) Observator, oppression obstructin` originator
Organized official officer oxen operator

(P) Plot participator
Plan powder pushin` premeditated
Po-Po partners patrolin` preventin` payment
Prosecutin` penny pinchers
Prison penalty permanent placement
Packin` powerful pistols punk plea and player`s playin pavement

(Q) Queen`s qualifyed quantity/quality

(R) Rulers rule righteously rightfully royal rapology
Real revolutionaries rather regulate rivalry
Rampantly raisin` raiders rampagin` relentless rivalry

(S) Sense up snub slugs snipin` sharp shooter
Smackin` soldiers silly severely shankin` stupid troopers

(T) Terrorizin` terrible thorough thug terrifyin` totin` two tecs takin`
territories thoroughly thrivin`

(U) Unifyin` ultimately upliftin` uncivilized
Unique understandin` universally utilized

(V) Visualize vocab victoriously vocalized
Versatile Vice-Versa verbals viciously victimize

(W) Why witty wisdom wage your wars wisely

(X) X-Con

(Y) Yappin` ya`ll yearnin`

(Z) Zig Zag Z...
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