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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Basia

Название :

Brave New Hope

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    jazz   female vocalists   smooth jazz   polish   pop   jazz   female vocalists   smooth jazz   polish   pop

Видео: Basia -  Brave New Hope  

Looking out of the window
Can`t believe what I see
Where was all this beauty when I loved you
>From now on this is my world
Yes we lost but I don`t hurt any more
I knew there must be more to life than this

Now is the time for me
I`m grateful -- you set me free
Baby one good turn deserves another
Now is the time for you
Pray our dreams come true
Could not see the world around me
You were my world
But now I keep inside my heart a Brave New Hope

There is no need to worry
I`ll find my place in the sun
Better days arehere to stay forever
Times are changing so am I
Not alone `cause there`s a heart needing love
I know that God will give me one more chance

Everything seems new
Have to get to know my friends again
I never realized that it could be like this
Time is a love-continuum
And I`ve got so much love to give
I`m not afraid to start this journey again tomorrow
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