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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Party

Название :

Life Ain`t Nothing But A Party

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    party generation   tehno   party generation   tehno   party generation   tehno

Видео: Party -  Life Ain`t Nothing But A Party  

Feel the music and feel the funky groove. Let your mind go when you start to
Motto is live your life to the full. Just keep positive and someday you`ll
The funky tribe of five to you, my friend, are kicking it live again and
Come to The Party, that`s what you`ll get. Cuz life is only what you give
Keep on Partying. Break it down.
To live your life is what you gotta do. Take it serious but have fun, too.
Express yourself anyway you choose. Get on the dance floor, just feel the
You only live once so do it right. We don`t have time to argue, fuss, and
Feel the groove take over your soul. Let your body lose control.
Life ain`t nothing but a party, and The Party ain`t over yet.
You live your life to only do one thing, have a good time and let your body
So let the music be your motivation. No color line in this generation.
All we wanna do is what you wanna do.
Make life a party and then hear the funky loop.
So we got the funky loop playing, listen up to what we are saying.
It ain`t over. The Party ain`t over. It ain`t over.
Let your mind and body go. Let your funky emotions flow.
Zoom-ba-eh...1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. Zoo, zoo, kick it!
Похожие исполнители:
Фото (www.Music-Lounge.5x.to)
Фото (www.Music-Lounge.5x.to)
Фото The Violet Burning
The Violet Burning

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