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фотография letters to cleo

Название :

Rim Shak

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    alternative   rock   female vocalists   90s   pop   alternative   rock   female vocalists   90s   pop

Видео: letters to cleo -  Rim Shak  

Like a gaping hole in the universe, as obvious as anything
could be, trip and fall pants at ankles as it, as it only possible
could be. It`s a cosmic thing and it`s all around me dangling
like life above me, if you knew where it was headed to, I say
you`d be there already. Can`t tear yourself away, can you?
If I`m different now in a brand new light, so? Darts in time
changed everything. I`m moving this, hurdle over that now as it,
only possibly could be. It`s encompassing `cause it`s all around me
dangling like you above me. If I knew what I was coming to,
make it stop already. Can`t tear yourself away, can you? It`s
only right to think about. It`s only right to keep it down.
It`s only right to throw your arms around it. It`s only right
to keep it to yourself. Just be sure to be sure that you`re right.
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