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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Gob

Название :

The Perfect Remedy

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    punk rock   punk   pop punk   canadian   rock

Видео: Gob -  The Perfect Remedy  

if i paint a picture of the days gone by i could tell a story
minus the truth,
it`s the only way i couldn`t walk a meter in your shoes you`ll see,
when you see they`re soaked i left them out in the rain
and they are just like weights i could help you choose a name,
first thing that i saw today make the best of new conditions,
never be the same pent up in me,
tied up in my room i found the perfect remedy spit you out,
or just chew it pent upin you,
tied up in your room you got the best cut of deal you lay down,
with the newest i though about you in my bed last night you
were a thousand years old, had a million boyfriends,
i have a rubber stopper to prevent the worst happening mark
the troubled spot within and press
with all my mightiness band it back all the way this one it`ll never break
make the best of old ideas never be the same
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