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фотография Adrian Belew

Название :

Id Rather Be Right Here

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    progressive rock   experimental   guitar   rock   progressive   progressive rock   experimental   guitar   rock   progressive

Видео: Adrian Belew -  Id Rather Be Right Here  

When the pilot informed us of what he was planning

And I heard the dirty words "emergency landing"

Well my brakes locked up and my wheels fell off

Now its all I that can manage to go for a walk

I can see alright, all I need of the world outside

I believe instead

The important part is in my heart and not my head and

Id just as soon be home in bed; Id rather be right here

If my number comes up and Im supposed to be dead

Id rather be right here

If they voted me to be the leader of the nation

Id rather be right here

Or I won a trip abroad, a paid vacation

Id rather be right here

If they told me that the world was ending today

Id rather be right here

If I had a bumper sticker this is what it would say:

Id rather be right here

Cause I see enough; now Im willing to be out of touch

Put my head in the sand

I wanna sit right down and take a stand

I dont need to be a traveling man; Id rather be right here

But if you wanna see the world, well, be my guest

Where you might end up is anybodys guess

If you get on a plane, say for new orleans

And you land in smithereens, dont call me

Cause Ill be undercover with the girl of my dreams

Im gonna be right here
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