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фотография Adrian Belew

Название :

Inner Revolution

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    progressive rock   experimental   guitar   rock   progressive   progressive rock   experimental   guitar   rock   progressive

Видео: Adrian Belew -  Inner Revolution  

So welcome to the real world

Where theres nowhere to hide

From the pain and hurt,

Youve got to take it in stride

You say youve got your big problems,

Baby, join the club

You wont find the solutions with a gun or a drug

Inner revolution, shake it up baby

Theres something in your life you dont like,

You got the power to change it

You cant fix it with a drug, cant kill it with a gun

Inner revolution, thats the way its done

So welcome to the real world

Full of pain and hurt

Where theres a million excuses,

And you know what theyre worth

You say youve got your big problems

Like everybody else

You wont find any answers until you find yourself

Inner revolution, shake it up baby

Theres something in your life you dont like,

You got the power to change it

You cant fix it with a drug, cant kill it with a gun

Inner revolution, thats the way its done

When you face yourself; and you look inside

You see theres nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

Inner revolution

Youve got to shake up your life

Youve got to make it work out

Inner revolution, youve got to do it yourself
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