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фотография Matthew Sweet

Название :

Cortez The Killer

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    power pop   alternative   singer-songwriter   rock   indie

Видео: Matthew Sweet -  Cortez The Killer  

He came dancing across the water

With his galleons and guns

Looking for the new world

And [the] palace in the sun

On the shore lay montezuma

With his coca leaves and pearls

In his halls he often wandered

With the secrets of the worlds

And his subjects gathered round him

Like the leaves around a tree

In [his] clothes of many colours

For the angry gods to see

And the women all were beautiful

And the men stood straight and strong

They offered life in sacrifice

So that others could go on

[now] hate was just a legend

And war was never known

People worked together

And they lifted many stones

They carried them to the flatlands

[but] they died along the way

[and] they built up with their bare hands

What we still cant [do] today

And I know she [is] living there

And she loves me to this day

I ... cant remember when

Or how I lost my way

He came dancing across the water

Cortez cortez

What a killer
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Matthew Sweet & Susanna Hoffs
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Velvet Crush
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Jason Falkner

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