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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Cadaveria

Название :

Black Glory

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Жанры :    black metal   gothic metal   female fronted metal   death metal   metal

Видео: Cadaveria -  Black Glory  

Purple flames celebrate the new warrior`s feats
while dry tears take the old triumphs to a silent death
The old men`s corpses consumes in an obscure dust
while the new secret shines in a golden aura
Past glories could rejoice only a brief instant
Soon the new gloom`s birth will wrap the present and the future
in a pall of algid fires and glacial quivers
No blood is willing to be shed in memory of your sighs
No wind will agitate the trees` fronds at sunset
The foul insect will suck the virgin infant`s pulp
The fifth simulacrum`s sect will perish under
the vibrating echo of the white queen
Every sword is unarmed in the presence of the goddess`s dagger
Every shield is smashed by the young witch
The third magic star protects my mental acts
The master of the astral fluid illuminates my path.
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Opera IX
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Фото Lord Vampyr
Lord Vampyr

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