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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Mortal Decay

Название :

Insect To Flesh

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    death metal   brutal death metal   technical death metal   metal   grindcore

Видео: Mortal Decay -  Insect To Flesh  

Found in oral cavities of the deceased callaphora vomitoria. infesting
swarms devour, hollowing almost seems to animate, colonizing the decomposed
remains, orgies within the dead. Frenzied, feeding on the decrepit, forensic
entomology, studies of necrophillous insects generations of maggots blended,
analyzed, determining the postmortem interval. Infestation, complete
metamorphosis. Reproduction through the dead. Vile parasites, worms slither
through the rotten carcass. Process of decomposition, offspring developing.
Dominating the bodies, feasting on dead remains in gluttony. Violent
fornication, victims of homicide skeleton zed. Decomposed stench attracts
the multitude. Found in stab wounds and all orifices. Dumped on roadsides or
buried in wooden graves, left to whither without a trace, deteriorate.
Destroying bodily existence, numerous species, destroying forensic evidence,
creating forensic evidence. The splendid decomposition...
Похожие исполнители:
Фото Eternal Suffering
Eternal Suffering
Фото Dehumanized
Фото Internal Bleeding
Internal Bleeding
Фото Pyrexia
Фото Saprogenic

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