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фотография Paris Twila

Название :

House Of Cards

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :

Видео: Paris Twila -  House Of Cards  

Words and Music by Twila Paris
One by one
We climb the mountain of ambition
One by one
And we bow at the altar of tradition
One by one
Somebody tell me what are we building
You know the house of cards will tumble
Temporary by design
And all the schemes of man will crumble
Are we wasting precious time
Are we wasting precious time
Stone by stone
We build a kingdom to perfection
Stone by stone
And we search for our safety and protection
In a home
Somebody tell me what are we thinking
You know the house of cards will tumble
Temporary by design
And all the schemes of man will crumble
Are we wasting precious time
When there is only one Kingdom
One place to hide
Only one Kingdom
Come and find a place inside
Come and find a place inside
Come and find a place inside
Because a house of cards will tumble
Temporary by design
And all the schemes of man will crumble
Are we wasting precious time
Are we wasting precious time
Are we wasting precious time
Are we wasting precious time
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