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фотография Pat McGee Band

Название :

Could Have Been A Song

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :

Видео: Pat McGee Band -  Could Have Been A Song  

This could have been a song about the wind but my words were blown away.
I could have sung about tomorrow but I couldn`t find today. Forget
about writing about my conversations because I can`t think of what to
say. With nothing left to sing about my ax in tune, I got no choice but
to sing to you (and she sings...)
Once, won`t you give me. Twice, won`t you save me. Three times, won`t
you let me sing this song for you.
I`ve been thinking about singing about a painting, but the colors made
me spin. Or the mystery of a spiral, but where do I begin? I could of
sung about piety, but I slammed right into sin. And now I`ve got a
crowd around me, what am I able to do? I`ll take this song and offer it
to you. (Chorus)
Might have sung about the ocean, but I`m stuck here on the shore. How
could I ever ask for seconds, I couldn`t take no more. I almost thought
about a phone call, but talking such a bore. People left an hour ago,
the windows tainted blue (so am I) and I wrote this song. (Chorus)
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