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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Phillips Anthony

Название :

I Want Your Love

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :

Видео: Phillips Anthony -  I Want Your Love  

Used to lie awake
Frightened of the dark
Used to count the ghosts out in the hallway
Childhood fancies flee
And we learn to trust the night
But I`m haunted by a different kind of story
And through my sleep, you`re shining, filling my eyes
I want your love
I need your love
I`m holding on
Getting tangled up so badly
You`re giving me such a time
Don`t play the game
Don`t make me feel a fool
I`m not superstitious, your love is the richest
I`m not superstitious, this could be the special one
April swept the streets
Pools of rain
She was borne upon a silver steamer
Then, one afternoon
Someone ushered Summer in
I was forced to make a choice before the dream had settled
And through my sleep
You`re shining, filling my eyes
I want your love
I need your love
I`m holding on
Getting tangled up so badly
You`re giving me such a time
Don`t play the game
Don`t make me feel a fool
I`m not superstitious, your love is the richest
I`m not superstitious, this could be the special one
I want your love
I need your love
I`m holding on
Getting tangled up so badly
You`re giving me such a time
Don`t play the game
Don`t make me feel a fool
I`m not superstitious, your love is the richest
I`m not superstitious, this could be the special one
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