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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Philosopher Kings

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Жанры :

Видео: Philosopher Kings -  Charms  

sleep, my love
dream warm and hard and true
in pieces, in colors
in a cloud of awkward blue
hold, my hand
I feel the things you tell no man
move through you, so easy
it`s a knife that cuts me through
and you bring me your charms
in the cool of your soft little hands
in the heat of your legs and your arms
you bring me your charms
in, my arms
in the circle of my arms
you`re my baby, my lover
that is warm and hard and true
when you bring me your charms
in the cover of our evening sheets
in the twist of our legs and our arms
you bring me your charms
in, my arms
in the circle of my arms
you`re my baby, my lover
that is warm and hard and true
when you bring me your charms
in the cover of our evening sheets
in the twist of our legs and our arms
you bring me your charms (repeat x times)
lyric by jon levine
music by gerald eaton and jon levine
Похожие исполнители:
Фото The Philosopher Kings
The Philosopher Kings
Фото Wide Mouth Mason
Wide Mouth Mason
Фото JackSoul
Фото Moist
Фото Jarvis Church
Jarvis Church

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