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фотография Runemagick

Название :

Memorandum Melancholia

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Жанры :    doom metal   death metal   death-doom metal   death doom metal   swedish

Видео: Runemagick -  Memorandum Melancholia  

[Music: N. Rudolfsson]
[Lyrics: N. Rudolfsson]

Abandoned souls dwell beyond the membrane of life
While the race goes on in false joy and heavenly lies

Hiding from the world of light
Every dawn could be the last rite

Shadows of darkness surround them
They have chosen the paths of obscurity

Solitude empress their world of dusk
Vague recollection is the only that remains of the living.
Don`t disturb the melancholic souls

Sometimes they unfortunately cross the path of the rats
And observes a abhorrent way of wasting their pathetic lives

Spit at the world of light
Every dawn could be a release

Shadows of darkness surround them
They have chosen the paths of obscurity

Solitude empress their world of dusk
Vague recollection is the only that remains of the living.
Don`t disturb the melancholic souls
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