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фотография Scatterbrain

Название :

Mr. Johnson And The Juice Crew

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    psytrance   thrash metal   metal   crossover   funk metal

Видео: Scatterbrain -  Mr. Johnson And The Juice Crew  

Here is a tribute to my best friend,
Hung with me since the beginning
And he`ll be there to the end.
Talkin` Mr. Johnson and the Juice Crew.

I love Mr. Johnson and the Juice Crew too,
And all the girls that meet him, they love him too.
`Cause he`s the baddest of the bad,
Hardest of the hard,
Mr. Johnson is a giant, dare I call him God?
Juice Crew - Dept. of Energy,
The power Mr. Johnson, Johnson powers me.
And all the girls keep knockin` - knockin` on my door,
All those Johnson junkies want more and more.
So hail Mr. Johnson and his two friends, too,
Mr. Johnson super hero, Johnson and the Juice Crew.

Johnson`s hypnotizing and Johnson`s mesmerizing...
Johnson keeps me vital, Johnson keeps me strong
Just like Samson had the power when his hair was long.
Everybody needs a source of power,
A hammer works for Thor but I got Johnson power,
Every minute every hour.
So darn cute a big hood with one eye,
Girls can`t keep their hands off of him
And neither can I.
Talkin` Mr. Johnson and the Juice Crew.
Похожие исполнители:
Фото M.O.D.
Фото Ludichrist
Фото Mordred
Фото Wrathchild America
Wrathchild America
Фото Abomination

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