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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Haste

Название :

To My Last Breath

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    hardcore   post-hardcore   metalcore   rock   screamo

Видео: Haste -  To My Last Breath  

Summer with the lights out finds me in my parent`s basement, watching bedroom movies.
Pictures and holidays hang in the hall. Guided by memory.
Where we stand is where we`ll jump from.
It doesn`t seem so far from finding common surface and to still retreating hearts.
Once choice turns two aside. A direction thought in common.
A passing glance serving as a makeshift alter.
Whispering, we confess. Where we stand is where we`ll jump from.
It doesn`t seem so far from finding common surface and to still retreating hearts.
From the playground to my last breath doesn`t seem so far from finding common surface
and to still retreating hearts. Keep hoping for movie miracles.
The windows are frames and the scenes can change.
I would have had to kiss you at the drive-thru window if they had their way.
Where we stand is where we`ll jump from.
It doesn`t seem so far from finding common surface and to still retreating hearts.
From the playground to my last breath doesn`t seem so far from finding common surface
and to still retreating hearts.
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