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фотография Solefald

Название :

The USA Don`t Exist

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    avant-garde metal   black metal   post-black metal   avant-garde   experimental

Видео: Solefald -  The USA Don`t Exist  

[C:] Out of the seven classic arts
Rhetoric rises to bust the charts
The master of agony invites you to the Forum
Louder than Romanum`s decadent decorum
The bell booms GO! The centurion rhymes
Heroically racing for blood-hungry times
Close to the edge he resists their push
Pure strength saves him from the greedy rush
The race has a goal though very few know where
Mostly officers on the ground and satellites in the air
The star-spangled racers speed into house and home
Today the Americans try to recreate Rome
[L:] Leaves flicker across the boulevard
Way down I see my old retard
He said "Ello ma feren, want a nice place to go?
I fix booze girls burgers floorshow!"
(The old retard tells me:
"Come with me you ain`t nothing to lose!"
I refuse the offer I cannot refuse
He hears my no scratches his beard
When Beelzie runs a nightclub times are weird)
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with too much to say
[L:] The USA don`t exist
The USA don`t exist
The USA don`t exist
Again I`m pissed
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with too much to say
[L:] The USA don`t exist
The USA don`t exist
The USA don`t exist
Again I`m pissed
[C:] Jim is alone and afraid of `67
The summer of love never returned from heaven
The hippies slowly died at the Heartbreak Hotel
Where the Peyote Poet reinvented hell
Fifteen years later he returned as a YAP
Just to make sure that life was still crap
Down and in need of the drugs that made the fun
He soberly declared I need money and a gun
[L:] Fifteen years later he returned as a YAP
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with a bit too much to say
[L:] The USA don`t exist
The USA don`t exist
The USA don`t exist
Again I`m pissed
[C:] Pornographer Cain haunts from the dead
Sews up Madame with a waxed red thread
The wanderer has found himself a home
Madame hangs as doll in his sexodrome
It`s a man`s world and he has seen the need
For yet another man to do the dirty deed
In Rock `n` Rollywood our guy`s at work
Pushing love shit to some fellow human jerk
[L:] It is a man`s world and he has seen the need
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with too much to say
[L & C:] The USA don`t exist
The USA don`t exist
The USA don`t exist
Again I`m pissed
Похожие исполнители:
Фото Age of Silence
Age of Silence
Фото G.U.T.
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Фото Arcturus
Фото Vulture Industries
Vulture Industries

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