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фотография Southside Johnny

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Жанры :    blues   rock   male vocalists   jentzblues   usa

Видео: Southside Johnny -  Security  

by Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes
I know what you want
I know what you need
A girl can`t live on just sweet nothin`s
Security, she gotta have security
Something she can show off for all her time
A nice big rock
or just that little ring
your sweet talkin`
don`t mean a thing
Security, she got to, got to have it
Security, the girl really needs it
Against the day when love starts its long decline
Just figurin` to herself
that she don`t wake up poor and destitute
she knows how love goes, its never absolute
you might swear she could never be replaced
She`ll believe you, but just in case
She`ll need a piece of the rock if you decide to roll
the girl`s got insurance that you can`t control
She got to keep on lookin` smart
Little checks from the heart
You`re drunk with love but you gotta sober up sometime (now dontcha?)
You might tell the truth, you might be a liar
She don`t know it, so she`ll require
Your heart is runnin a race
This beats a nice steady pace
cold wet feet`ll get plenty of time to dry
cause all she wants is S-E-C-U-R-I-T-Y
Transcribed by Rich Kulawiec, rsk@ecn.purdue.edu
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