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фотография Stan Ridgway

Название :

After The Storm

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    rock   alternative   80s   singer-songwriter   pop

Видео: Stan Ridgway -  After The Storm  

After the storm

Well all need to dry out

And the forecast will be

Sunny and fair

After the storm

Well have a big parade

And the smell of victory will be in the air

Well march in the sun

And listen to speeches

Life will be a bowl of cream and peaches

After the storm

Well be sucking on « swallows »

And driving our trucks in the sand

Well redraw the maps

Wear snappy new caps

A gentle breeze will blow oer the land

Well pack up our things

Maybe get married

Throw off that weak, wussy

Feeling we carried

Bring it all home

In a bag to be buried

After the storm

After the storm

The flowers will grow

And pastures of plenty well see

Well dig a few holes

Heat up a few coals

And have a big barbecue feed

Well shine up our cars

Drive in the sun

Pitch a tent in the woods

And make a beer run

If somebody wants something

We might just give em some

After the storm

Well march in the sun

And listen to speeches

And life will be a bowl of cream and peaches
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