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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Summon

Название :

Visions Of Apocalyptic Grace

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Жанры :    black metal   death metal   thrash metal   brutal death metal   usa

Видео: Summon -  Visions Of Apocalyptic Grace  

Prophecies of armegeddon
Of he unbound by time
Gaze into reflecting waters
Fate of years to come
Piercing eyes see through the soul
Like the stars of centuries old
Wisdom out of the emptiness
Long foretold after which to come
Prophecies of armegeddon
Of he unbound by time
For a prophet sees things remote to man
A thousand fates to come
Hear his tales of agelessness
As time unfolds his fate
Morbid tales of timelessness
Fate of years to come
Visions of apocalyptic grace
Stand the test of time and age
For a prophet sees things remote to man
Long foretold after which to come
Gaze into his tripod,see beyond his fate
Armegeddon visions,as prophecies forth told
Flames out of nowhere,unveil secrets of time
Ancient divinations,the gods sit by his side
Prophecies of doom...prophet of doom...
Похожие исполнители:
Фото Desaster
Фото Deceased
Фото Repugnant
Фото Impiety
Фото Drawn and Quartered
Drawn and Quartered

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