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фотография Venerea

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Жанры :    punk rock   punk   melodic hardcore   skate punk   hardcore punk

Видео: Venerea -  Scratch  

Now it`s time to finally sell out
It`s the right time
for the big one
There is no doubt were through
Playing for weeks
for crowds of ton
We`ve lost good money on this band
But now we`re back at scratch again
Now`s the time to sell our souls
A foreign label, a full length CD
But we`re the same guys
In the same clothes
though one guy left us
We`re six years on
though rearranged, is it that strange
that we have changed ?
It`s no big deal but this time we get paid
How does that make you feel ?

Cut some slack
Scratch your backs

We`ve started from scratch
Do you grudge us
one-roomers of our own ?
Paying rehearsal space ?
The band van loan ?
Is it "not punk"
Having food to eat ?
Would our songs be better
if we lived out on the street

Now it`s time for the CD to sell
But if it`ll happen
ain`t no tongue can tell
and it doesn`t do well
We`re the stuck-up gits
We always were
After all
we`ve said and done
we`re still in it
For the fun
I`t weird how the years pass on
It feels like we`ve just begun
From scratch
Похожие исполнители:
Фото Enemy Alliance
Enemy Alliance
Фото Satanic Surfers
Satanic Surfers
Фото The Indecision Alarm
The Indecision Alarm
Фото Adhesive
Фото No Fun At All
No Fun At All

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