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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Tony Banks

Название :

Somebody Elses Dream

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    progressive rock   instrumental   rock   classical   progressive

Видео: Tony Banks -  Somebody Elses Dream  

Too good to last, how those four words ring in my ears.

A voice from the past has been heard again,

Whether its real or not, I cant say I care

But my memorys going and my mind is losing its grip.

Im walking on thinning ice.

Soon I shall be taken down, drowned in blind ignorance.

Its hard to bear but harder still

To tell the one I care for,

Please to say love is here today, but its going away, going away.

How can I fight a fire that comes from inside myself

That threatens a total end.

So much to lose when I still had so much to learn.

Its hard to bear but harder still

To tell the one I care for.

Please to say love is here today, but its going away, going away.

Millions of people wont know what I mean,

None can appreciate somebody elses dream.

Thousands of reasons for staying alive

Explode into fragments,

Dissolve into nothing.

As I prepare for the oncoming night.

Already I feel a creeping coldness chilling my bones,

Dulling my sight and mind.

Soon there shall be only sand where once water flowed.

Nature dies and is reborn, but I shant weather this coming storm.

Not for me to die with children around my bed

After a happy life,

Though rain will fall and the sun wont change in its course.

Its hard to bear but harder still

To tell the one I care for,

Please to say love is here today, but its going away, going away.

Millions of people wont know what I mean,

None can appreciate somebody elses dream.

Thousands of reasons for staying alive

Explode into fragments,

Dissolve into nothing.

As I prepare for the oncoming night.
Похожие исполнители:
Фото Mike Rutherford
Mike Rutherford
Фото Steve Hackett
Steve Hackett
Фото Anthony Phillips
Anthony Phillips
Фото Genesis
Фото Triumvirat

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