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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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Название :

Lost Flowers

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    doom metal   doom   atmospheric doom death metal   gothic metal   mistagged

Видео: CEMETARY OF SCREAM - Lost Flowers  

Текст песни CEMETARY OF SCREAM - Lost Flowers

Dust particles of th eempty words like left wings of the unvisible birdsflowers the storm of the words'n'feelings h's like windfrail and brittle stalks-it's time to pass and die lightnings of feelingsthe silence of the warm evening stars threw on the heaven like the seeds offlowers of hate'n'loveThe rains streaming along the edge of the counterflowing down the shoulders and face cold blows of whip( )
the whisper of silent drops windows, panes of flashes'n'brilliancethe darkened by the grey fog of the gloomLiberation'n'freedom empty cages out of pigeonswe were floated by the ocean with the eternal prophecy in the handThe poetry of the streets drowned in the rainthe green of the trees and the black of the night

Похожие исполнители:
Фото Cemetery of Scream
Cemetery of Scream
Фото On Thorns I Lay
On Thorns I Lay
Фото Sirrah
Фото Cryptal Darkness
Cryptal Darkness
Фото Grave Flowers
Grave Flowers

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