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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография ZUBA

Название :

Sunrise On The Road

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    live music archive   under 2000 listeners   seen live

Видео: ZUBA - Sunrise On The Road  

Текст песни ZUBA - Sunrise On The Road

1) Sunrise on the road i'm feeling high todayWill you ride with me into the nightIf I didnt know where I was going toWould you say that it could be alright2) We broke down and ended up in New Orleans( )
Saved our souls with an evil grooveMarie Laveau was gazing in her crystal ballSaw my eyes were hazy from the road3) I walked through the city with my empty glassFilled it with the mystery of the pastA thousand people danced into the morning sunThis forever feels like it could last4) Walking through the streets down in the maronySwirling dancers in the second lineSwept me to a place i've seen in fantasysSomehow I think I lost track of the time5) & so I left New Orleans with a photographOf a thousand miles we left behind& I saw the city fading in my rear view mirrorHazy as the road began to wind6) Sunrise on the road im feeling high todayWill you ride with me into the night7) We broke down and ended up in new orleansShe took our souls just looking in her eyesThe moon was falling down into the eastern sky

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