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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Eden's Crush

Название :

Anywhere But Here

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :

Видео: Eden's Crush - Anywhere But Here  

Текст песни Eden's Crush - Anywhere But Here

I picked up the phone and heard her voice
Is she takin my time
She sounded so cute so innocent
You always were a sucker for the playful kind

Stop before you tell me a lie
I don't want to hear another alibi
This is where the story will end
( )
If your love was real I wouldn't need to pretend so

Book me on a plane for Paris
Or on a cruise to a desert isle
Anywhere but here
Where love disappeared
Anywhere but here
I wanna party in New York City
And climb over the China Wall
Anywhere but where
Your love disappeared

Anywhere but here

I saw you with her on the corner
Looking in each others eyes
Was it a mistake my heart would break
Or did you ever think about who would cry

Stop before you say it again
You never kiss and tell with your girlfriend's girlfriend
This is where my story begins
I need a new lover that's where I'm going

As much as I wanted you
Your love has left me alone
Now it's all of over
You disconnected my heart when she picked up the phone
I gotta get myself over you

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