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фотография Ella Eyre

Название :

Even If

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :

Видео: Ella Eyre - Even If  

I took it all for granted

I know what I did

What I've become

But even you

You did some damage

All of those things

That you used to say

It's funny how

The pic' I have

It's smaller now

Smaller than it was before

But baby now I figured out

That all that we could talk about

Was more than more

Even if we'll never find the time

And even if we'll never get it right

I know I am glad I was able

To be by your side

And even if the stars won't align

You know where I am

You know where I am

We've never had it easy

But you had your ways

And I sure had mine

And only you could ever see it

See through the worst

The worst I've done

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It's funny how

The bigger it gets

It's nothing now

Nothing how it was back then

If only I have realised

That all that we have compromised

Was all real

Even if we'll never find the time

And even if we'll never get it right

I know I am glad I was able

To be by your side

And even if the stars won't align

You know where I am

You know where I am

But all that could matter

Is still somewhere here

Pieces were scattered

Some are still near

I said I would never

Hold on to you

But you hold on to me

Even if we'll never find the time

And even if we'll never get it right

I know I am glad I was able

To be by your side

And even if the stars won't align

You know where I am

You know where I am

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