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фотография Mark Ronson

Название :

Heavy And Rolling

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

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Видео: Mark Ronson - Heavy And Rolling  

[Verse 1]

Start up the engine, we're heavy and rolling

A tank full of gas and the night is young

I don't know you, don't care where you're goin'

To the heartline or the heart of the sun

My sweet companion is known as the summer

Black as the river, and rough to climb

Smooth as glass, smooth as dark as melon

Cold outside, when you climb inside


The city is flowin'

I found a way the move my weary soul

Stay heavy and rolling

[Verse 2]

You feel it duckits, you feel an illusion

Faithful pleasure with your pretty face

You're confused more that Constitution

It must twat you passing freely through space


The city is flowin'

I found a way the move my weary soul

Stay heavy and rolling


I was lost and lonely like you

All the while broke inside

Then I found something, lastly met you

A beautiful lie

Might have to wait to start in on your drinking

All of Hell's Kitchen standing in that line

I'll be here, living in my Lincoln

Occupying space and conquering time


The city is flowin'

I found a way the move my weary soul

Stay heavy and rolling
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