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фотография Aerosmith

Название :

Draw the Line

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    rock   classic rock   hard rock   80s   70s

Видео: Aerosmith -  Draw the Line  

Checkmate honey
Beat you at your own damn game
No dice honey
I`m livin` on the astral plane
Feet`s on the ground
Your head`s going down the drain
Heads I win, tails you lose
To the never mind

That`s where I Draw The Line

An indian summer
Carrie was all over the floor
She was a wet net winner
And rarely ever left the store
She`d sing and dance all night
And wrong all the right out of me
Pass me the vile and cross your fingers
It don`t take time

Know where to Draw The Line

You told Carrie
And promised her you wouldn`t be long
Heads I win, tails you lose
Lord it`s such a crime
No dice honey
You`re salt, you`re the queen of the brine
Checkmate honey
You`re the only one who`s got to choose

Where to Draw The Line

Checkmate, don`t be late
Take another pull
That`s right
When you got to be yourself
You`re the boss, the toss
The price, the dice
Grab yourself a slice

Know where to Draw The Line
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