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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Sadness

Название :

Aprodites Thorns

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    doom metal   gothic metal   dark metal   gothic doom metal   gothic dark metal

Видео: Sadness -  Aprodites Thorns  

Erotic fantasies: aphrodite of cnide and aries
As mystic as a glimmer at the bottom of a lake
Sensuality of your figure, of your white body

White dove or dark crow?

The temptations of these acts change the being, from the beast to...
To the lamb
But if you touch her, she will cut your veins and dive her hand
Deep down in your soul to spread it over your face

Sweet venus, in power of an immense veil beyond the borders of
Death, seduces men with her charm and elegance
Pleasure of lust, she is also
the sweetness of the flower blinding the
Insect that comes to take her nectar

O the pleasure is so swet in aprodite`s thorns, but if you touch
Her... she will cut your veins
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