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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Krokus

Название :

Flying Through The Night

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    hard rock   heavy metal   rock   classic rock   metal

Видео: Krokus -  Flying Through The Night  

Welcome friends, let me be your guide
Won`t you be my guest tonight
Steppin` into that supertrooper light
Will put our spirits right

I can feel your heartbeat I can see your smile
Living out your fantasy
Denim and leather never go out of style
Rock`n`Roll holds the key

Crank up the volume, blast it out loud
Scream at the top of your heads
Fasten your seatbelts, into the smoke
One way up we go

And we`re flying through the night away
Far far away
And we`ll fing a place we`d like to stay
Far far away

Everywhere around the world
Rock is still alive
You get together with your best friends
On a magical drive

Crank up the sound, turn it up loud
Shout, let your feelings out
Fasten your seatbelts, light up the smoke
One way up we go

And we`re flying through the night away...

And we`re flying through the night away...
At the speed of light
And we`ll find a place we`d love to stay
You got to hold on tight


Crank up the sound, turn it up loud
It`s a magical carpet ride
Scream and shout, let your feelings all out
Get your spirits high

And we`re flying through the night away...

And we`re flying through the night away...

Come and join the ride!
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