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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография compulsion

Название :

Mall Monarchy

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    indie   indie rock   synthpop   punk   alternative   indie   indie rock   synthpop   punk   alternative

Видео: compulsion -  Mall Monarchy  

His wifes in

Her nightdress

As ethan

Grabs his chest

You were the brightest of them all

When you designed the shopping mall

That keeps us clothed and entertained

From baltimore to stephens green

Born hungry

Got wounded

Iwo sima

In fourty five

You were the brightest of them all

When you designed the shopping mall

That keeps us clothed and entertained

From baltimore to golders green

And so we called you here today

To send our monarchy on his way

Where history and bunk are blessed

And with the edsel laid to rest

In a black car

White roses

And the tombstones

Theyre all the same

And so we called you here today

To send our monarchy on his way

Where history and bunk are blessed

And with the edsel laid to rest
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Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine
Фото Swell
Фото Kingmaker
Фото Senseless Things
Senseless Things
Фото Salad

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