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фотография compulsion

Название :

Oh My Fool Life

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Жанры :    indie   indie rock   synthpop   punk   alternative   indie   indie rock   synthpop   punk   alternative

Видео: compulsion -  Oh My Fool Life  

And so I came to this world

And then I blew it

I bought a puzzle to play, I couldnt do it

I told a joke to my friends, but they all knew it

I tried to laugh my way out, but they saw through it

I think Ill bury my head and just get through it

On my fool life

I saw a robbery once, I was a witness

Somebody called the police, they said who did this

And I described them so well, in about a minute

The they looked at me then, youd think I did it

On my fool life

I had a friend in distress, he was a good friend

It wasnt happening between him and his girlfriend

I tried to sort it all out and talk to her friend

But then I got to her house I found that Id no friends

Oh my fool life

I got a linguaphone course, so I could learn french

I went to calais one day, so I could speak french

I got confused at the dock in the confusion

welkom meneer rechts rijden in hoek van holland

Oh my fool life
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