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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Legendary Pink Dots

Название :

A Terra Firma Welcome (track 11)

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    experimental   avant garde   psychedelic rock   electronic   alternative   experimental   avant garde   psychedelic rock   electronic   alternative   experimental   avant garde   psychedelic rock   electronic   alternative

Видео: Legendary Pink Dots -  A Terra Firma Welcome (track 11)  

It scored E-minus on its ancestry.
It stuttered on the phone. They tried extensive hypnotherapy but
it sat there like a stone. They checked its pockets, they pumped
the pentathol...stole marrow from its bones...and left it naked in
the guest room, quite alone. They debated for a year. The casebook
stretched from here to here...Quoted precedents and dissidents. And
Johnny joined the space police and searched the stars for refugees-
his finger on the stunner in the name of earthly peace. And when it
seemed that space was empty and the moon was made of cheese, they
decided on a terra firma `welcome`. But, guess...Our guest was now
deceased...So they cut it into pieces. They sterilized them, placed
them in a case and charged admission. Now I`m watching television
and I see laughter in its eyes. I hear a rumble in the sky, They`re
coming for their boy!
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Фото The Legendary Pink Dots
The Legendary Pink Dots
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Фото The Tear Garden
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Фото Coil
Фото Psychic TV
Psychic TV
Фото The Legendary Pink Dots
The Legendary Pink Dots
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Edward Ka-Spel
Фото The Tear Garden
The Tear Garden
Фото The Silverman
The Silverman
Фото Coil

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