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Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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фотография Legendary Pink Dots

Название :

Oasis Malade (track 6)

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    experimental   avant garde   psychedelic rock   electronic   alternative   experimental   avant garde   psychedelic rock   electronic   alternative   experimental   avant garde   psychedelic rock   electronic   alternative

Видео: Legendary Pink Dots -  Oasis Malade (track 6)  

Tanith dropped by today. Like, I hadn`t seen her in years, but there
she was at my front door in her colonial helmet. Custom made Burmise
fan poised in one hand ready to swipe at any passing disease ridden
mosquito. She been in Belgium, she told me. Studying the pyramids.
It took her years to find out that there weren`t any pyramids in Belgium.
I asked her why she left me so suddenly. Why she`d been silent for so
long. Didn`t I exist for her? Didn`t we have something, well, special?
She asked me for tea in a plastic cup with a well fitting lid...then
she left.
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Фото The Tear Garden
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