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фотография Stan Ridgway

Название :


Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    rock   alternative   80s   singer-songwriter   pop

Видео: Stan Ridgway -  Dogs  

One dog buries a bone and then the

Other dog digs it up and finds

A prize in store

One dog dies and the other dogs go

Dig him up a tomb, with his

Name inscribed


And there, on his tombstone

Carved so bold

The words are clear and strong

It says:

This one is for the eyes

For the eyes of the other dogs to come

Its for the eyes of the other dogs to come

One man digs a hole while the

Other one shovels dirt inside

Another hole

One man says "hello" while

Another man is leaving on a

Long journeyccto a place hell not return

Chorus repeat

Every entrance has an exit

Every doorknob has a twist

I wonder what my face looked like

Before it looked like this?

Chorus repeat
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