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фотография Samiam

Название :

She Found You

Данные: текст песни / слова песни

Жанры :    emo   punk   punk rock   indie   rock

Видео: Samiam -  She Found You  

what the hell have you got to look forward to
i don`t hear anybody knocking at your door
your life has been a message in a bottle
dumped in the ocean, never reaching any shore
at the point where nothing makes you happy
these days seem darker than they`ve ever been before
here it comes again, that old familiar feeling
get sick and leave your troubles on the floor
just when i thought you were breaking down
just when i thought you were breaking down, she found you
just when i thought you were breaking down
just when i thought you were breaking down
you`re shuttin people out has become more like a reflex
they used to be your friends, but they don`t know you anymore
don`t mean to hurt you, but it`s my only self defense
i make myself a mystery, so they don`t know who to look for
look at yourself, have you noticed your complexion
looks like you`ve been spending too much time indoors
in the mirror can you see your reflection
or am i the only one who`s noticed that you look bored
just when i thought you were breaking down
just when i thought you were breaking down, she found you
just when i thought you were breaking down
just when i thought you were breaking down
i watched you fall apart
and never made a sound
what the hell have you got to look forward to
i don`t hear anybody knocking at your door
your life has been a message in a bottle
dumped in the ocean, never reaching any shore
at the point where nothing makes you happy
these days seem darker than they`ve ever been before
here it comes again, that old familiar feeling
get sick and leave your troubles on the floor
just when i thought you were breaking down
just when i thought you were breaking down, she found you
just when i thought you were breaking down
just when i thought you were breaking down
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